Calendar of Events

AFSCME Minnesota and Dakotas Central Lakes Membership Meeting

AFSCME Minnesota and Dakotas Best of the West Membership Meeting

AFSCME Minnesota and Dakotas Executive Board Meeting

Central Lakes Subchapter membership meeting

Northeast Subchapter Membership meeting & delegate election

AFSCME MN Chapter 5 Retirees Biennial Convention

MN Legislative Session Adjourns

Chapter 5 Executive Board Meeting

West Metro Subchapter Membership Meeting

Chapter 5 Executive Board Meeting

AFSCME Day on the Hill

Chapter 5 Executive Board Meeting

Central Lakes Subchapter membership meeting & delegate election

East Metro Subchapter meeting Notice & delegate election notice

South Sixth Membership Meeting & Delegate Election

Chapter 5 Executive Board Meeting

East Metro Subchapter membership meeting & delegate election

South Sixth subchapter Meeting & delegate election

Best of the West Membership Meeting & delegate election

Minnesota AFL-CIO Senior Council Conference & Elections

Best of the West Membership Meeting & Election

AFSCME MN Chapter 5 Executive Board Meeting

Chapter 5 MN Retirees Executive Board meeting

South Sixth General Membership Meeting

South Sixth Mankato Area Meet & Greet

Chapter 5 Executive Board meeting

Retiree Boat Cruise on the St. Croix River



East & West Metro Summer Picnic & Meeting

Best of the West Fergus Falls Area Meet & Greet

East Metro Executive Board Meeting

East Metro Executive Board Meeting

East Metro Executive Board Meeting

East Metro Executive Board Meeting

East Metro Executive Board Meeting

East Metro Executive Board Meeting

Central Lakes Subchapter Membership Meeting

West Metro General Membership Meeting

Best of the West Membership Meeting

East Metro Subchapter Executive Board Meeing

AFSCME Council 5 Day on The Hill

NE subchapter Executive Board Meeting

South Sixth Subchapter Membership Meeting

NE Subchapter Membership Meeting

East Metro Executive Board Meeting

EAst Metro Subchapter Membership Meeting

East Metro Subchapter Executive Board Meeting

West Metro Subchapter Executive Board Meeting

East Metro Membership Meeting & Holiday Event

NE Subchapter Meeting & Election

Best of the West Election & Meeting

South Sixth Membership Meeting & Election


West Metro Subchapter Meeting & Election Notice

Northeast Subchapter Membership & Election Meeting

Central Lakes Subchapter Membership Meeting

West Metro Subchapter Quarterly meeting

Best of the West Executive Board meeting

NE subchapter Executive Board Meeting

AFSCME Minnesota Retirees United Chapter 5 Biennial Convention

Regional Planning Meeting - Mankato

Regional Planning Meeting - Mankato

Regional Planning Meeting - Mankato

Regional Planning Meeting - Mankato

Regional Planning Meeting - Bemidji

Best of the West Subchapter Membership Meeting

Council 5 Finance/Executive Board Meeting

Council 5 Finance/Executive Board Meeting

Regional Planning Meeting - Duluth

Regional Planning Meeting - Mankato

Regional Planning Meeting - West Metro

Regional Planning Meeting - Bemidji

Regional Planning Meeting - Brainerd

Regional Planning Meeting - Duluth

Regional Planning Meeting - St. Cloud

AFSCME Retirees United South Sixth Membership Meeting

AFSCME Retirees United East Metro Subchapter Meeting

South Sixth Subchapter Meeting

Minneapolis Open Streets - Franklin

West Metro day at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum

Nellie Stone Johnson Scholarship Deadline

Council 5 Financial Responsibility Training

Council 5 Financial Responsibility Training

First Round: City of St. Paul AFSCME Endorsement Screenings

Council 5 Finance/Executive Board Meeting

Council 5 Executive Board Meeting

Council 5 Finance Committee Meeting

Council 5 Finance/Executive Board Meeting

Council 5 Finance/Executive Board Meeting

Finance/Executive Board Meeting

Finance/Executive Board Meeting

Finance/Executive Board Meeting

Finance/Executive Board Meeting

Finance/Executive Board Meeting

Finance/Executive Board Meeting

Finance/Executive Board Meeting

State Negotiations Assembly

State Negotiations Assembly

AFSCME Council 5 Presidents' Meeting

First Day of Minnesota Legislative Session

West Metro MN AFSCME Retirees United Subchapter Meeting

West Metro MN AFSCME Retirees United Subchapter Meeting

West Metro MN AFSCME Retirees United Subchapter Meeting

West Metro MN AFSCME Retirees United Subchapter Meeting

AFSCME MN Retirees United Executive Board Meeting

Central Lakes Subchapter meeting

South Sixth Subchapter Meeting

South Sixth Subchapter Meeting

South Sixth Subchapter Meeting

Best of the West Subchapter Membership Meeting

Best of the West Subchapter Membership Meeting

Best of the West Subchapter Meeting


Retirees United west Metro Subchapter Meeting

Best of the West Subchapter Membership Meeting

Free Our Future! March and Day of Action

MN Profiteers: Follow the Money!

Retirees United at the Arboretum

South Sixth subchapter meeting

Central Lakes Subchapter Membership Meeting

Chapter 5 annual Convention & Election

West Metro Subchapter Membership Meeting

West Metro Subchapter Membership Meeting

West Metro subchapter Membership Meeting

East Metro Subchapter Membership Meeting

East Metro Subchapter Membership Meeting

East Metro Subchapter Membership Meeting

East Metro Subchapter Membership Meeting

Council 5 Finance Committee & Executive Board Meeting


West Metro RU subchapter meeting

Council 5 Executive Board Meeting

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