When: Wednesday, Apr 10, 2024, 12:00pm - 2:00pm

Evergreen Senior Center

5830 Grand Ave.

Duluth, MN 

The April 2024 NE Subchapter meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 10, 2024, at the Evergreen Senior Center, 59th Ave West & Grand Ave (5830 Grand Avenue), Duluth, MN at 12 Noon. They are a Senior Dining Facility and will provide us with lunch.

Among the items on the agenda are electing Delegates to the State Retiree Convention which will be held in Minneapolis at the Marriott Delta 1330 Industrial Blvd NE., Mpls, MN on May 21st & 22nd. If you'd like to be a delegate but are unable to attend this meeting, please contact your sub-chapter president, Sandy Pernu-Wallin (218-753-8568, Wallin.Sandy@outlook.com) to let her know of your interest.